Healthy eating from the start!
About us
"Eat right from the start!" - REVAN for short - is a national programme to promote healthy eating from pregnancy to childhood.
The successful joint programme of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES), the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) and the Umbrella organisation of the Austrian social insurance funds (DVSV) has been in existence since 2008. "Ehealthy eating from the start!" counselling services from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) exists in all federal states.

The importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy and from an early age is undisputed. With an age-appropriate and sustainable diet, parents and other carers contribute a great deal to a child's good development and health in later life. And they also benefit from a healthy diet themselves.
Whether nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, feeding complementary foods and bottle feeding, feeding infants or children at home, in childcare centres and at school:
We provide (expectant) parents, relatives and professionals with quality-assured and science-based information.
Our goals
- Promoting healthy, age-appropriate and sustainable nutritional behaviour in every child from the very beginning - as a contribution to healthy growth
- Promotion of living spaces that enable healthy nutrition from the outset
- Putting controversial nutritional messages on a scientific footing and standardising them
- Making scientific findings in the field of infant and child nutrition as well as nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding women accessible to everyone - as target group-orientated, easy to understand and relevant to everyday life as possible
- Creation of a supra-regional skilled labour network
"healthy eating from the start!" has already reached over 2.4 million people - with free and independent information!
Current work priorities (2021 - 2025)
- Development of opportunity-orientated, accurate information offerings
- Development of recommendations and measures to promote breastfeeding
- Optimisation of communal catering in childcare facilities and schools
Here you will find further information about our programme
Our team

Hermann Zöbinger, MSc
Programme management

Mag.a Michaela Adamowitsch, MHProm
Programme employee
Main areas of work: Health equity, school catering

Narine Barkhordarian, MSc
Programme employee
Main areas of work: Child nutrition (1-3 years), health equity, scientific expertise for regional partners Bettina Meidlinger
Programme employee
Focus of work: Nutrition during breastfeeding

Helga Quirgst, MSc BSc
Programme employee
Main areas of work: Infant nutrition, breastfeeding promotion